Saturday, August 10, 2013

8.1 Reflection: iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Teaching

Below are my reflections of how I have grown as a instructor through the Leading Edge Certification process, relative to the iNacol Standards, and how I plan to continue to grow as an instructor to better serve the needs of students in this exciting and challenging learning environment.  I would like to preface my reflection with some clarification.  I am not a classroom teacher (K-12) but a curriculum and development instructor for adults.  I will mention students in my reflection but those students are really adults.  I will also comment on the applicability of the standard to my work. I don't give exams or have assignments.  My work with online learning is to support the work that teachers are doing in the classroom. The students in my courses have to complete hours not necessarily assignments or exams.

Standard A - As a online teacher I still have some improvement in this standard.  I feel confident about the instructional delivery continuum and the state professional teaching standards.  However, I need to spend more time truly understanding how to adapt my brick and mortar teaching style to the online environment. This class has been a great way to build my foundation but I plan on using my Personal Learning Network to continue to find ways to improve my knowledge in the pedagogy of online teaching.

Standard B - I am very confident of my skills in this standard. I have a technical background so I feel that my basic troubleshooting skills are strong and I have the ability to help users remotely not only face-to-face. I am a tech tool junky (admitted fault) so I am always looking at the latest and greatest gadget and app to try to figure out how to incorporate it in my work.  To a fault, I need to spend more time using the same apps rather then jumping to the next great thing.  But is so much fun trying out new stuff!

Standard C - This standard is challenging.  The ability to use a variety of instructional strategies, facilitating and monitoring, communication and differentiated instruction is challenging in the face-to-face classroom. This is an area I struggle with and am working on being conscious of not falling into the same old teaching practices that I have used for years.  Part of the challenge is taking the risk to try something with a group of students and being ok if it fails.  I have recently attended some very specific training on graphic organizers and the instructor challenged us to not just think of them as a gizmo in the classroom but as a tool to encourage student thinking and discussion. One of my 30 day goals is to implement one of the strategies that she suggested.  I will do that in my face-to-face instruction but also implement that strategy in my online courses.

Standard D- Feedback!  The research supports this as the most effective tool to improve student learning.  It is also one of the goals that I have personally for all my work is to ensure that I am providing regular feedback to my students but also insure that the feedback I provide is meaningful.  It needs to be specific as well as prompt.  By ensuring that I establish clear expectations and outcomes my students will be more aware of the expectations I have as their instructor not only for academic needs but for behavior. One of the goals I had prior to the start of the LEC was to be better at creating discussion prompts but also ensuring that I am providing feedback to students in those discussions that is valuable.  I have more work to do in this area but I have learned in this course that I need to create a variety of assessment options for student response and teacher feedback. I also learned that the feedback doesn't always need to be from the instructor but can be peer feedback as well.

Standard E- This course helped my learn so much more about the need to address academic dishonesty and digital citizenship very directly.  I had not included comments on these topics in my course outlines and I appreciated the need to be more clear about these topics with my students. I will now include more details about these topics in all my outlines.

Standard F-  This standard is the largest take away form the LEC course.  The work that we did in the course around accessibility was wonderful.  I had no idea of my responsibility to my students in this area.  The Section 508 guidelines were new to me and I have work to do in my current courses to ensure that I am providing appropriate access.  I also appreciated the tools that we learned about and used to help make content more accessible for all.  I am continue to learn how to use those tools but I am sure I will get better as I have a lot of content to modify to ensure accessibility. More practice, more practice!

Standard G-I don't really have a great response for this section. As I mentioned I don't have assessments as part of my work.  If I put myself in the shoes of  a K-12 teacher I would consider this an area that I would need to really spend time working on. I would want to make sure that my assessments were realistic to the outcomes and timely.  I would hate to realize too late that a student was struggling with content. I can think of some quick assessments that a student could submit to a teacher daily that would help me really understand how they are accessing and understanding content for my course.

Standard H-This is an area of improvement for me. I would like to include more polls and surveys in my courses to ensure that my students are digging deep into the content they are reviewing and not just have general discussion.  As I create new courses I plan on experimenting with polls and surveys that will also allow me to determine if I need to followup with students in one of our face-to-face meetings relative to the online course they are participating in.

Standard I-As I mentioned in the beginning my students are completing modules for hours not necessarily correct or incorrect answers.  I do try and modify the content each year based on a needs assessment that I conduct during a face-to-face session.  I also work one-on-one with students who seem to be lost in the content relative to their personal background knowledge and interests.  I provide a variety of options to students to read and discuss in hopes that one they select an option it allows them to have a more personal attachment to the content. For example:  I ask students to pick from 5 different articles about teacher/student perceptions.  They only need to read and discuss one article (I ask them to create a thread with that article in the subject) and then ask them to read the discussion of the other 4 articles.  I hope in this assignment they feel empowered to pick an article of their interest but also learn about the other articles and their classmates in a successful way.

Standard J-  I  collaborate with some lead teachers to ensure that the content I am delivering is applicable.  I am also adding a discussion group to the courses this year to encourage more peer to peer discussion and the creating of their own Personal Learning Networks.

Standard K-  I realize that this standards is optional but it is the one that I am most involved with. I create and design all my courses in a Learning Management System.  I utilized Haiku last year to design and deliver my first online courses  In those courses I used text, video, web resources and subject specific discussions in its design. Having participated in the LEC I am excited to modify that course and create other courses  to support the professional learning of the adults I serve.  I plan on adding more variety to my content and as I mentioned in Standard J create an ongoing discussion forum for my students.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

6.3 Technology and Assessment Reflection

I enjoyed this unit and the thinking it required of me regarding formative and summative assessment.  I have discussion questions embedded into my online seminars but didn't really think about them as assessments. This unit has given me the opportunity to look at those discussion items differently and consider how important they are that I give feedback and encourage feedback from their peers.

The other thing I appreciated about this unit was the opportunity to think about how to integrate a variety of  web 2.0 tools into a formative assessment practices.  I  tried to  include several types of tools that I could use to help my students understand the content.  Where I believe I still struggle is trying to finding ways to vary how they receive feedback.

As for challenges, I see many of them that are the same as in any brick and mortar classroom.  Often as teachers we are caught up in the delivery of your content and we fail to remember that we need to provide students time to process, talk it out with another and digest the content before moving on to other things.  With the desire to make sure we use every moment for great teaching we need to remember that we need to let students assess each other and we need to also comment and be part of the discussion to help students understand the content.  I see the on line/blended learning teacher naturally being more of a facilitator of learning vs the sage on the stage because of the need to provide feedback without seeing your students face-to-face.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4.3 Reflection Social and Professional Networks - Part 1

I decided to write this reflection in two parts.  The reason will become clear as you read each part!

Part 1 - Sunday, July 7, 2013

I write this part of my reflection as I prepare to leave for a week long camping trip. I have been busy today getting as much of the LEC work completed as possible as I won't have reliable access to the Internet for the next week.  A bit of irony that the reflection this week is about use of the Internet and my social and professional networks as I am being cut off from the distraction or tool (depending on the moment) that I have come to rely on!  I will complete part 2 on my return to let you know how this experience works in reality!

BTW...I am all in when it comes to the Internet.  I have even considered canceling my cable TV ...why do I pay for TV when it is on the Internet?!  I hangout on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,  and Pinterest to name a few of my favorite places.  I read my newspaper from the Internet, play games, communicate with my children (they come to dinner much faster when I Facetime them to tell them dinner is ready than when I yelled).  I have a Linked In account, I enjoy a fun Google hangout and I have my own YouTube channel.  I also have a new app, Zite, that keeps an online magazine of what I look to view and lets me read them everyday.  I am trying to find the best Google Reader replacement, so far Feedly is winning. I don't go to the bank anyone since I can now deposit checks with my Iphone.I  believe the Internet is an incredible tool, both personally and professionally.  I have learned so much and have access to so much more information because of it.  As a professional tool Twitter is my favorite.  I appreciate the condensed information and if I want to read more I can open a link.  I see many applications for the Internet in the classroom setting.  The collaboration tools available with Google would be a great tool.  I would also use Twitter and Facebook to create a classroom community and Skype to connect my classroom to other classrooms in the US and the world. . Personally, Pinterest is my favorite.  It took me awhile to understand how it works but really enjoy the sharing and keeping of information. I even find great educational tools there.

As for a distraction...absolutely!  I must admit Solitaire is a mind waster...but fun :-)

I will leave you now and continue to get ready for my unplugged vacation.  I will post Part 2 upon my return.

Part 2: - Saturday, July 13, 2013

It was a great vacation and I did my best to stay disconnected.  I will have to admit that I did check my email on my phone when we got some where will cell service.  I spent this morning (we got home to late last night) catching up with some of my networks. of the articles on Zite this morning was about how to maintain a good PLN.  Great ideas, following hash tags i.e. #edchat, reading RSS feeds but one of the ideas I gleaned from the article that I could improve on is having more conversation with the folks that I follow.  Less stalking and more messaging was the recommendation to continue to improve and grow my PLN.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

3.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools Reflection

This has been my favorite section of LEC!  I love Web 2.0 tools and see so many applications in the classroom.  It was really hard for me to pick just one tool to share.  I believe the best part of the Web 2.0 library is that you have such variety in not only use but also cost.  For the most part I think you can find a tool for free that will accomplish what you would have paid for years ago. FREE is the magic word for teachers especially if they find it easy to use.

Where I struggle is implementation.  Since I am not in a classroom and view the process from the outside I want to make sure that teachers are supported in implementation.  This is where I believe the system needs to do a better job.  Where is the on the ground support for teachers to implement these tools to improve student learning, allow for collaboration, embrace student creativity and change the classroom to engage more students?  Are there teachers out there doing it without support, of course!  However, if we are to truly change the dynamic of the classroom we have to support all teachers, if not Web 2.0 tools will just be a tool on a shelf, an idea in a notebook, a "I'll understand that someday"and not what it could be to engage students.

It is my goal as a professional developer to get all these tools in the hands of teachers with the support to implement them.  Imagine what the classrooms will look like and the learning that will take place.  How exciting!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

2.2 Reflection: Methodologies of the Online Instructor

When I first began my textbook read of this module I didn't think that they was much of a difference between teaching and online class vs a brick and mortar classroom.  As I read the textbook I have had a change of mindset.  I believe there is pedagogy that is common to both but the definition of those skills has an added layer when you are considering the delivery of instruction in an online class.

For example.... I believe to be a great teacher you must have good communication skills not only with parents but with students and colleagues.  I agree you need those same communication skills in the online environment however, what changes is that you don't necessarily have a face-to-face meeting with your student.  How your write becomes so important as email is the tool to clarify an issue or answer a question.  When you are communicating in a traditional setting you are speaking face-to-face with your student and can determine levels of understanding so much better.  Not so true in the online environment.

The other item that struck me is the reliance on the parents for the younger student as a coach at home.  I am not sure parents know who much responsibility will end up on their shoulders when their child is enrolled in an online program.  The parents need to be willing to commit the time to support their student in a similar way to a home schooled student. Where the teacher comes is is the need to support the parent to know how to support their students.  The lines of communication between all parties must be ongoing and open.

Finally, teachers need to be prepared for the time commitment. Since students attend class on their own schedule teachers need to be aware that they are subject to contact outside of a traditional school day.

Friday, June 21, 2013

1.2 Reflection: Personal Learning Goal

And the survey says......your score is 208....but the range is 201...not sure how that happened!

Your Test of Online Learning Success Results

Your overall score is 208.

overall score chart

If your overall score is:

190 - 201: You're ready to go!
Individuals with a score in this range are more prepared for online learning than 50-75 percent of their student peers.

The results of the Online Learning Success survey were not surprising to me as I truly enjoy learning in the online environment.  As I was staring my first discussion and tried to find my notes from my previous online experience. I wanted to compare the introductions that I posted 8 years ago when I was obtaining my Master's degree to the one I posted for this course.  Thinking back on how new the online learning experience was to me as a student but the concept as a whole I realize how in what is a relatively short period of time things have changed so much.  We didn't discuss blended learning, flipped classrooms or virtual high schools.  It was truly just a new delivery model that was not different from the regular classroom in any way other than we didn't see the teacher.  He posted his lectures for us to read, we completed the same assignments as his "in person" class and read the same book. I just had the convenience of going to class in my pajamas at 4 AM after my toddler work me up.  I never did find those notes....however, I saved this intro to my Evernote so that I can use it again...or at least look back on it in the future.

My personal learning goal is to improve how I respond to discussion posts for my participants and how I create great discussion threads that will encourage insightful dialogue.  Since I deliver Professional
Learning to adults I believe that I have to think differently in my responses and question development than I would if I was creating a more traditional course.   Maybe I am over-thinking the process but I would like to see how I can improve in this area.  Part two of my goal is to be able to facilitate a LEC course with Teresa for our County Office.

I am excited about being back in the online learning world again. I forgot how much I enjoy reading about my classmates, learning what other schools are doing and also being a student again. This is also a good warm up for me in preparation for my Doctoral classes which will start the last week of August.