Sunday, July 7, 2013

4.3 Reflection Social and Professional Networks - Part 1

I decided to write this reflection in two parts.  The reason will become clear as you read each part!

Part 1 - Sunday, July 7, 2013

I write this part of my reflection as I prepare to leave for a week long camping trip. I have been busy today getting as much of the LEC work completed as possible as I won't have reliable access to the Internet for the next week.  A bit of irony that the reflection this week is about use of the Internet and my social and professional networks as I am being cut off from the distraction or tool (depending on the moment) that I have come to rely on!  I will complete part 2 on my return to let you know how this experience works in reality!

BTW...I am all in when it comes to the Internet.  I have even considered canceling my cable TV ...why do I pay for TV when it is on the Internet?!  I hangout on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,  and Pinterest to name a few of my favorite places.  I read my newspaper from the Internet, play games, communicate with my children (they come to dinner much faster when I Facetime them to tell them dinner is ready than when I yelled).  I have a Linked In account, I enjoy a fun Google hangout and I have my own YouTube channel.  I also have a new app, Zite, that keeps an online magazine of what I look to view and lets me read them everyday.  I am trying to find the best Google Reader replacement, so far Feedly is winning. I don't go to the bank anyone since I can now deposit checks with my Iphone.I  believe the Internet is an incredible tool, both personally and professionally.  I have learned so much and have access to so much more information because of it.  As a professional tool Twitter is my favorite.  I appreciate the condensed information and if I want to read more I can open a link.  I see many applications for the Internet in the classroom setting.  The collaboration tools available with Google would be a great tool.  I would also use Twitter and Facebook to create a classroom community and Skype to connect my classroom to other classrooms in the US and the world. . Personally, Pinterest is my favorite.  It took me awhile to understand how it works but really enjoy the sharing and keeping of information. I even find great educational tools there.

As for a distraction...absolutely!  I must admit Solitaire is a mind waster...but fun :-)

I will leave you now and continue to get ready for my unplugged vacation.  I will post Part 2 upon my return.

Part 2: - Saturday, July 13, 2013

It was a great vacation and I did my best to stay disconnected.  I will have to admit that I did check my email on my phone when we got some where will cell service.  I spent this morning (we got home to late last night) catching up with some of my networks. of the articles on Zite this morning was about how to maintain a good PLN.  Great ideas, following hash tags i.e. #edchat, reading RSS feeds but one of the ideas I gleaned from the article that I could improve on is having more conversation with the folks that I follow.  Less stalking and more messaging was the recommendation to continue to improve and grow my PLN.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it (almost) a week being disconnected!
    My husband and I actually did "cut the cable" and only watch television online and streaming. We have an internet connected TV set, and that helps. But I watch my news from streaming live, and most of my favorite shows are posted on the networks' websites the day after they air. It works for me!
